We witness the stunning metamorphosis of rising soul singer Frankie Jobling as she expresses what it means to step into womanhood, and the mourning of loss associated with growth.
Hailing from Newcastle, and positioning herself as one of the forerunners of soul coming from the North-east Frankie’s vocals exquisitely hit high breathy notes with ease.
The production of 'changes' is made up of a deep baseline, off-beat snare percussion that are energetically played underneath the beat. The late introduction of piano keys adds a thicker texture to the slowly formed live jazz ensemble.
Speaking on the track, Frankie says: “As I have grown up, I have realised what it means to me to be a woman, the good and bad parts, the empowering parts, and the parts where I feel like I carry an emotional weight. The chorus pleads for slow sunlit days and a place to let go of the pain.
The warm and lighthearted music juxtaposes the lyrics and reflects the light and dark, the soft and tender, the girl and the woman. Simultaneously the song celebrates the good things that come with change and the sadness too, making it the perfect nostalgic mix that anyone can relate to. You could revisit this song at any age and the lyrics would mean something different to you each time.”
After selling out two shows in her native city Newcastle, we cannot wait to hear Frankie’s sound reminiscent of particularly of Cleo Sol and Solange to reach other parts of the UK and the world stage.
Listen here
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