Being under quarantine was a lot for many people. No one would have thought that 2020 would’ve brought a global pandemic and reshape how we see everything. While stuck inside like many creatives Danielle Barrow was able to come up with a new business idea that she’s been fine-tuning since she’s gotten back to the states. Originally from the island of Barbados, she came to America at a young age and has been living in Brooklyn ever since.
I like to think of Brooklyn as the melting pot of the Caribbean, you get a little bit of everything especially if you’re going down East-Flatbush or Crown Heights. It’s all just ready to start moving and gives off the Island vibe you’d expect. I got a chance to connect with Danielle about her journey under quarantine and what she looks forward to post COVID.
What was it like being under quarantine back home in Barbados?
Honestly, quarantine changed my life, I was always a workaholic, so when there was no work I was really forced to pay attention to other things that were important to me, but I never had the energy to put time into. Being in Barbados was the best place for me at the time. I had family there; people who reminded me of where I’m from, the meaning of family, friendship, and peace. I learned a lot of hard lessons through isolation as well. I was given and blessed with the time to rediscover myself without outside pressure or influence.
What are some things that being under quarantine has taught you?
Quarantine taught me that if I’m gonna live this life, I better live it because you never know what tomorrow brings. If you have a passion do it today.
If you could do back would you change anything?
If I could go back I definitely wouldn’t change anything. I went through some struggles with mental health. I mainly struggled with feeling alone at times and not like myself. My life just changed drastically and finding purpose for myself was difficult, but I found it and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.
How did you develop the idea for the melanated podcast?
I wanted to do a podcast/ YouTube channel since college, but I think I convinced myself I never had the time. But I decided during quarantine that I gotta do it. Everyone that really knows me knows I always got a lot to say. There are Black women and girls out there who have things to say and people hardly listen to them. I want a platform for us; space where we can get real.
What does this podcast mean to you?
This podcast is a baby to me. I want to treat it with the love and care it deserves. As a young dark skin black woman, I have experiences I want to share with other women and girls. I want to teach and learn. I want this platform to be shaped by black voices that uplift our community and encourage growth where needed.
What are some topics you’ll be focusing on and why do you think it’s important to discuss them?
So far we would like to discuss colorism, racism, sexism, love, family, dating, self-improvement, finances, mainly all the topics that my girls and I talk about on a regular. Talking to them always makes me feel like I took something away from the discussion, I learn something about them and myself In the process. The melanated cast is for black women, period. Honestly, that’s why it’s important to me. I wanna see more spaces for black women.
How will you use this experience in 2020 moving forward?
Hopefully, quarantine comes to a speedy end. I learned a lot, but now I’m ready to walk the walk. I plan on growing our presence for the rest of the year. Working on becoming more active in my family’s life and being a boss.