Have you noticed that an increasing number of people are wearing football shirts in recent times? Football shirts have always been popular, especially on match days, but they have become a fashion statement that has taken the UK by storm in the last few years. This is a fashion trend that transcends the boundaries of the sport and embeds itself in the fabric of everyday streetwear. This post will look at the journey from athletic wear to a fashion staple.
Wearing football shirts for fashion is not a new trend. It first originated back in the 90s when pop culture and football fandom started to intertwine, which was led by influential celebrities from music and fashion who started proudly wearing their team’s colours. Of course, it is the most popular clubs people started wearing, so it was common for people to wear the Liverpool home shirt outside the city.
Influential Figure
As with most fashion trends, the football shirt craze is driven by influential figures in film, music, fashion, and pop culture. Interestingly, this is not confined to the UK as there have been many high-profile celebrities stateside seen wearing football shirts, which massively increases exposure. A few notable celebrities that have been seen wearing football shirts in recent times include:
Snoop Dogg (Man United)
Justin Bieber (Everton)
Macaulay Culkin (West Ham)
Tom Hardy (Roma)
Miley Cyrus (Man United)
Beyonce (PSG)
Design Evolution
Another reason why these shirts are proving popular as a fashion statement is the designs. The retro designs are popular, particularly as many are colourful, fun, and bold. Nowadays, many brands are collaborating with renowned designers to create football shirts that are sleek and stylish, ensuring that they appeal to a wide audience base and not just football fans.
Social Media Influence
Social media has also played a key role in amplifying this fashion trend (as with any other fashion trend). Fans and fashion influencers will post content of them wearing their favourite team’s jerseys, which is then seen around the world. This became an internet trend in 2022 known as “bloke-core,” described as “vintage replica football tops, baggy or straight-leg jeans (often Levi’s) and mainly Adidas trainers” - this is nothing new in the UK, but social media has taken this trend overseas.
It is fascinating to see the football shirt fashion trend rise once again, especially as it is now a fashion staple in countries all over the world. This has created global appeal for football all over the world and is fantastic promotion for teams in the UK.
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