British television has always enjoyed a love affair with its past. Reboots, prequels, sequels – if it worked once upon a time, it’s rarely a surprise to see shows and formats be brought back to life.
Looking at the most-watched broadcasts in UK history, it’s clear to see the overall trend of people increasingly turning away from the TV in favour of other mediums. ‘Appointment TV’ used to be the goal for so many broadcasters, but the rise of streaming has affected this in a big way. Why rush to the sofa, when you can just watch something later on?
One tactic to get people back in front of the box is to hark back to its golden eras and put some 2024 polish on some old favourites.
Here are four legendary shows are priming themselves making a splash once again!
Big Brother
The voyeuristic giant that ignited reality TV mania in the early 2000s returned to ITV2 in 2023 presented by AJ Odudu and Will Best. The iconic house, diary room, and live evictions have thrilled us once again. The original Big Brother ran from 2000 to 2018, spawning countless headlines and controversies and making national stars of everyday people such as Alison Hammond, Jade Goody, Kate Lawler and Craig Phillips.
Wheel of Fortune
The iconic letters and puzzles are spinning back onto our screens in 2024, hosted by Graham Norton on ITV. The original Wheel of Fortune, perhaps most famously hosted by John Leslie, graced UK living rooms from 1988 to 2001, becoming a beloved family game show. The reboot hopes to retain the nostalgia factor while appealing to a new generation with fresh gameplay twists and celebrity appearances.
Deal or No Deal
The famous red boxes and direct line to The Banker made a comeback in 2023. The original Deal or No Deal, with its passionate contestants and crackling atmosphere, ran from 2005 to 2016 on Channel 4, gaining a cult following. Contestants have the chance to win life-changing sums based on simple luck and gut feeling. Stephen Mulhern replaces Noel Edmonds as the one with The Banker on the other end of the phone. Viewers can now have a taste of the excitement for themselves by playing along with Deal or No Deal bingo on their phone or laptop.
Dust off your Lycra and prepare to witness physical prowess reign supreme once again. Gladiators roared back onto the BBC in 2024, featuring a new set of elite athletes including Olympic sprinters Harry Aikines-Aryeetey and Montell Douglas. The new series sees a return to the much-loved original format after a reboot in the late 2000s fell flat. The original Gladiators, was a Saturday-night staple in the 1990s, seeing contestants battle it out against fearsome warriors in iconic challenges like Duel, Hang Tough and Gauntlet.
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