Utopian infrastructure, a glittering complex...composed fragility. Mr. Jones are the team of London jewelers that offer a radiant cinematic experience. An East Egg tableau. Ambulatorio! A range of intercontinental stones for when that rent is due. This season, the jewelers provide a host of different themes stylistically speaking to an incarcerated decadence. Miss Tavisham's countryside getaway. Square cut, or expertly shaped...the DNA collection describes the fusion between a metallic artistry and modern technology. A menagerie for your glasbruk if you will. "Bold structure along intricate detailing..." noted the brand representatives in regards to this seasons aesthetic visage.
Presented in subgenres...the collection allows for several moments of inquiry. A via or a piazza? The ambiguous color scheme of Milanese architecture quietly displays a simmering radiance through strands of pearls as seen in the Pearl Skies assortment of jewels where beads are melodically chained in rhythmical chords. Perhaps a Brera dome?
The various genres of the fall collection present themselves as a hand of tarot cards...and with dust, grime and shards, the imperiousness of industry merges with the charm of glistening stones evoking scenes from the French capital for perhaps some of the most quaint pieces on sale this season. Ponts de Ana...is an assortment of jewelry composed in a gallery of symphonic radiance. A varnished chandelier.
Envisioning the gothic halls, cobwebbed corridors and mystifying archways of Paris...this variation etches a grid from Place de Vendôme to Galleries Lafayette. An imperiousness that is bolstered by a dreamlike whimsy. A key pendant strung around a neck for example...to avoid it getting lost on the inseam. A chain of plastic slathered in gold or perhaps silver...this season Mr. Jones presents a collection as castle. A castle that is fortified by the various stones that scorch through the facade. Please don't open the painted glass window.
Story by Alexander Mays