Elmiene reworks Jeff Buckley’s 1994 track ‘Lover, You Should’ve Come Over’ providing a fresh and tender take on a classic to signal the end of the year and the beginning of a new start.
Favoring his usual approach of sensitivity and intense emotion, he soulfully embodies the musical expression of Buckley whilst adopting his own unique sound.
We allow ourselves to be overwhelmed and moved by the vast feeling that Elmiene conveys in his rich tone and poetic lyricism. It’s melancholic, and sad as he mourns the loss of a romantic relationship due to his own ego and disloyalty.
But the brightness of the stripped back acoustic guitar provides a warmth and hope of forgiveness and his desire for reconnection, that is reflected in some of the lyrics such as “All my riches for her smiles when I slept so soft against her, It's never over, All my blood for the sweetness of her laughter, It’s never over.”
“I chose Jeff Buckley because ‘Lover, You Should’ve Come Over’ feels like the perfect gateway into the kind of music and emotions I want to express in my next project,” says Elmiene. “This cover is the first chapter of next year's book.”
The accompanying music video is directed by Ciesay and takes inspiration from Buckley’s original intimate black-and-white video.
The 22-year-old rising artist from Oxford has often felt timeless in his music and after covering Buckley’s Lover, You Should’ve Come Over’ it will be interesting to see what other sounds will influence his new direction.
Elmiene concludes this year after releasing a series of EP’s one after the other in El-Mean in March, followed by Marking My Time.
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