Aman...the internationally renowned purveyors of holistic living and palatial escapes include a select line of leather accessories onto their list of established offerings. Available August 1st, the nineteen hand constructed items breathe an air of refined simplicity that is geometrically in tandem with an ethos promoting mind, and spirit.
Their wellness sector has now grown...and since implementing their first line of skincare in 2018, these timeless leather goods emboss the Aman aura into a recognizable brand aesthetic.
Sleek and enduring ...wallets, luggage tags and passport holders come in sand dune and baby blue, with the Aman monogram included on the inseams of select passenger items.
Accessories that say much without saying much at all.
Niether minaudière nor clutch...a satchel with a detachable leather strap comes bedecked with a golden clasp...adhering to the playlist that undoubtedly shuffles towards elegance.
A bag perfect for a picnic, pool party or to simply just admire the view.
Story by Alexander Mays