Bianca Saunders collaborated with Farah for a men's SS24 collection inspired by Lee Scratch Perry, showcasing her versatility as a designer. The collection featured the cuts and curves that she is known for, drawing inspiration from her rich Jamaican roots. To showcase her collection, a diverse range of models with different skin tones and body types presented her work against a laid-back scene. The British Jamaican designer took inspiration from Lee Scratch Perry, a Jamaican producer influential in the development and acceptance of reggae and dub music in Jamaica and overseas. Through her men's collection, Saunders celebrated Jamaican artistry and talent that spans generations.
Saunders' collection theme explored hypermasculinity in black males, aiming to challenge stereotypes and redefine the modern man, giving black males the opportunity to be seen as role models. While Saunders' collections often revolve around masculinity, her Spring/Summer 24 collection took a dynamic turn, exploring masculinity through a different lens. The collection featured bold lines and striking angles, complemented by leather from Saunders' collaboration with Ecco Leather. The collection aimed to explore perception, highlighting that first appearances are merely superficial and that there is much more to discover beneath the surface.
Farah, known for incorporating casual denim pieces like hopsack, a lightweight material designed for summer nights, added bursts of colour to the collection. Neutral tones and light materials created a laid-back and comfortable look, with the models seemingly draped in the clothes. Aqua blue, mustard, and crimson shades provided an unexpected contrast to the simpler grey and khaki tones, adding depth to the oversized theme. Wide-leg trousers, elastic waistbands, button-up shirts, and oversized denim were combined to create a comfortable aesthetic.
The 26-piece collection resulting from the Farah and Saunders collaboration had a silhouette that exuded a breezy feel throughout the entire show. Graphic tees influenced by Perry and his chaotic style, characterized by bursts of energy, colour, and music, were also on display.
Saunders chose to present her collection as a presentation rather than a runway show. As the rest of the collection was deeply personal, Saunders felt that a presentation format allowed people to step back and consider the underlying themes of her work. For Saunders, who began showcasing her designs through presentations, it was fitting to present this intimate collection in the same way.
The pieces presented in this collection offer a fresh perspective on men's fashion and encourage reflection on the limited space within which the modern man typically defines himself while contending with external judgments. Saunders' collection demonstrates her versatility as a designer and paves the way for future generations to break free from the constraints of hypermasculinity.
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