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Reuben Aziz Comes To The End On Latest Single 'Healing'

Sometimes you have to go through situations and experiences to learn about life and more importantly, who you are as a person, and that is what we witness as we’ve been taken on London-based singer, songwriter and producer Reuben Aziz’s three part mini-series of young love. How it starts, grows and then dies.


On it’s final instalment ‘Healing’, we come to the end of the road.


The Southampton native, concluding the relationship, is at his most honest as he expresses the conflicting emotions of letting someone you love go, their attempt at re-opening the door, as well as the overall questioning of the cause of the break.


Self-produced by the  20-year-old, darkening piano tones are played underneath soulful croons that are looped throughout, and expressive guitar melodies creep through the space.


Addressing his ex, he sings the heartfelt hook “If I cry a little bit, you see my eyes they shed a tear/ it’s not about you, no  got nothing to lose, no.” in response his emotional state.


In the accompanying video we see Reuben surrounded by his closest friends chilling on the estate and riding around in cars.


Explaining the meaning behind the track, he says “Healing is a really important song to me. I played with many different sonics and sounds, which I used to try to make the song sound like the feeling of the word.


The trilogy tells the story of the relationship which begins the pre-relationship awkwardness into the fun elements of the relationship and then onto the end to the relationship. It’s a process that people can relate to.”


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