Exploring a second collaboration in the making, the two renowned brands - MM6 Maison Margiela and worldwide American lifestyle brand Eastpak come together to create a collaborative capsule dedicated to backpacks and suitcases. Joining forces again, the two brands present their engaging accessories in a small selection of muted colours in forest greens, bright yellow, off-white, and black shades to start off the spring season in full swing.
As aware, both brands are no strangers to collaborating with each other. For the second collaboration to date, their impressive offering consists of engaging construction with a noticeable play on words like the faux fur wheeled suitcase. The oversized crew wallet accessory and the quintessential model of the MM6 Maison Margiela x Eastpak Dripping Pak’r backpack show the duo's interpretation of Japanese geometric-inspired origami-style bags.
The accessories feature noticeable details such as the out of shape front pocket within the inner surface of the dripping backpack. It has the perfect spot for a laptop sleeve, a practical yet functional bag accessory. To finish off the piece, you have the visible co-brand logo representing the partnership of the two creative brands.
With more shapes to choose from, the MM6 Maison Margiela x Eastpak Japanese bag is the MM6 most figurative bag accessory, highlighting the unique detailing of the zip-front pocket showing the essential innovation talent between the two brands. Based on the influence of origami art, acquiring your first-hand on one of these appealing triangular shapes makes the bag even more engaging as it has the capability to change shape by folding. Produced with Eastpak’s nylon, the Japanese bag offering is available for purchase.
From the Japanese bag, they offer the sizeable MM6 Maison Margiela x Eastpak Crew XL Shoulder Bag, a replica of the Eastpak Crew wallet. With its potential to reshape, the bag can be modified from a pocket-sized tri-fold bag item to an oversized bag and utilized into a decent sizeable bag. Big enough to secure your own laptop to carry around.
On the other hand, one thing to remember about the renowned MM6 brand is experimenting with item proportions is something to always keep in mind as you never know the intriguing shapes and forms, they will create next. In a collaborative fashion, unique details include the engaging stash pockets, matched with the co-branded stamp illustrating the duo brand partnership in this new capsule collection. The oversized shoulder bags are available in black and green shades.
As expected, with plenty of design models to explore - brand MM6 Maison Margiela and Eastpak's Furry suitcase suggest a unique offering that is a nifty travel accessory yet playful to use whilst travelling around. Perfect within easy reach and as a limited edition offer.
Scouring into Maison Margiela’s archives and finishing off the capsule collection, the collaborative pair have the MM6 Maison Margiela x Eastpak Poster Bag. Think of this item as a decent requirement to carry around with you, another functional accessory.
Equipped with a considerable amount of space for a padded laptop sleeve providing protection for your valuable items, decorated with the distinctive trompe l’oeil print on the front piece of the bag that mimics their prior collabo experience together as well as conveying the brand pairs integrity and dedication to the capsule collection featuring their co-branded stamp.
I am sure this will not be the last collaboration we see from both brands. However, in the meantime, let us indulge in their high-quality conceptual essentials.
Words by Charlene Foreman.
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