Create Your Ultimate Home Relaxation Space
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Create Your Ultimate Home Relaxation Space

Your home should be the place where you feel most comfortable. But kitchens and lounges can be chaotic, especially with young families. So, create your own calm space using these suggestions.

Biophilic design

Biophilic design uses natural world inspiration to maintain a connection to nature within your home. An easy win is to position house plants around your space to filter air and increase oxygen levels. Plants also offer mental health benefits by supporting your well-being. Using other natural elements in your home, such as water, scent, light and shadow, can relax you. The sights and sounds of a tank of tropical fish can be soothing. Natural light flooding into a room makes you feel better especially when it is at a premium in winter. Design your space so it has a view of your garden or a park, so nature is present even when you’re inside. 

Utilise lighting

As said, where possible, bring natural light inside for feel-good benefits. But at night, things change, so use lighting to create a laid-back mood. The soft, warm glow of candles is a soothing decor idea and you can enjoy the same effect, with 100 per cent safety, by using LED candles. Other lighting ideas include laser lights to project delicate, ambient patterns of relaxing colours such as blue, red or green. Avoid intense overhead light fittings. This is the type of lighting you find in offices – where you’re not expected to be overly relaxed – but at home, it can leave you anxious and irritable. Employ wall lighting or low overhead lighting instead. 

Colour choice

The colours you choose to decorate your space can affect mood. Brighter colours, such as blue, pink and yellow, stimulate and energise you. But if you choose subdued, pastel-effect shades, then these same colours can relax you. A brilliant white can be stimulating whereas a creamier version can be calming. Green is a reliable, soothing colour. Pretty much any tone of green works because of its parallels with nature and the outdoors. Another colour that invokes nature is tan. It works as a neutral base to highlight other colours while also having a rich, earthy tone.

Keep it organised

Living with clutter can make you stressed, overwhelmed, depressed and anxious. So, keep your space tidy! When you declutter, you are not just sorting the mess in your space but also in your mind. By getting rid of superfluous items or items that bring back bad memories, you make your area an emotionally safe space. By organising your possessions, you will feel more relaxed because you will feel more in control. 

Add comfort

From cushions to throws and bean bags, soft furnishings can help your space feel welcoming. Layer on cozy textiles, such as velvet and suede, to give your decor a relaxing look and feel. Rugs, throw pillows and blankets provide a homely look and are also comfortable for lounging on. But don’t go uniform on pillow size. Mix sizes up and regularly move them around your room to freshen up your space. You could do this seasonally – brighter colours and lighter textures for spring and summer, ‘cozier’ colours and heavier textures for autumn and winter.

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