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Arranging Nu Date as One of Dating Platform for Creatives Looking to Date

People who aren’t creative think creativity is a blessing, but that’s not always true. Creative people may feel alone and misunderstood if they find themselves in the wrong environment. If you’re a creative person working on a factory line, chances are that you don’t like your job. Or that you have to get home and immerse in a hobby that feeds your creative soul.

Now look at that through dating lenses…

If you’re a creative person in a relationship with someone who thinks the peak of creativity is putting potato chips in a sandwich… Snooze!

You may get bored of them. Or you may look for someone else to feed your creative soul.

So the solution for both situations is to be in a creative environment, surrounded by creative people.

And finding a dating site that fits that description was impossible before showed up. Now, that’s a safe place for single creatives seeking dates. There, it’s possible to get on a video call with locals minutes after finishing a profile. But only if a person knows how to show their personality in an attractive way that makes them stand out without appearing needy or desperate…

This is a big problem on dating sites because…


Most don’t show their creativity in the best way.

Let’s solve that now… 

What Makes Nu Date A Dating Platform for Creatives?

General dating sites are too broad. They want to grow globally and help everyone find whatever they want from hookups to marriages.

Nu Date is different. Instead of aiming for one global community, they’ve created many local communities under the same brand. And while it’s still possible to find any relationship on the platform, most members focus on meaningful relationships.

The reason is clear communication from Nu Date that lets potential members know what to expect before creating a free profile.

Yet the strategy of segmenting their community based on location makes Nu Date the best dating platform for creative people. That approach ensures that people from the same area, people who can meet in person, see each other on the site.

Another genius move is that people from the same areas have more chances of having specific mutual interests based on their local culture. Creative people love it when they don’t have to waste time explaining just on creating and experiencing.

But how does one show their creativity on dating apps?

How to Show Creativity on Dating Sites

There are numerous ways to show creativity on dating sites. We’ll mention a couple of them, but before we do that we have to remind you that women and men aren’t the same. Men fall in love by looking, women fall in love by listening (or reading in the world of texting).

So women should focus on showing their creativity in their photos while men should focus on crafting unique descriptions (and polishing their texting game).

And the best way to show creativity in a photo is to infuse personality into it. If a lady loves to draw, a profile picture where half is her face and the other half is a drawing of her face will stop everyone from swiping. At least for a second. Which is enough to grab someone. If they like what they see, they will stop and read more.

Men can get creative with photos (the same as women shouldn’t rely only on pictures), but their focus should be on texting and talking. Of course, don’t use a prom photo as a profile picture if you’re 39. Use a recent photo that makes you look good (but not a lot better than in real life), upload it and that’s it.

Then show how unique you are in a description. A good way to do that is to write a joke about yourself that can be understood only by some people. That’s the way to repel everyone who isn’t a perfect match without wasting any time or energy on them.

Unleashing Creativity in Dating: What After Chatting Online

Some creative people are introverts, so they thrive on dating sites and freeze on real dates. That’s ok, but someone who wants to date a creative person may expect creativity at every step, all the time. So Netflix and chill can’t be the only type of date a creative couple has.

To find unique ways to have fun as a couple, look at the relationship between gaming and modern culture because it makes it obvious how everything is connected in this world. Use that as inspiration to create unique date ideas…

Naked hiking this weekend? Of course, don’t be afraid to think outside the box when you find someone who loves your creativity because that’s how you keep things exciting.



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