New Wave

Listen To New World Ray's New Singles Minaj // Mollywood

Since the release of New World Ray's last project 'F*cking Hell' back in May of 2019, he has since gone on to tour the project on spot dates in the UK and Toronto, Canada. In that time, Ray has also delivered some singles that served as great listens leading us into the new decade such as 'Staus / InThe Six'.

Preparing new music and visuals at the start of the year, Ray is back on our streaming services and speakers with two dark records with different sonic intentions, showcasing Ray's ability to evoke a feeling over different instrumentation and be convincing. The first song off the double single release is Minaj. Minaj is an upbeat dark trap song where New World Ray uses his catchy flows to discuss his experiences in threesomes. The simplistic and repeated chorus seeps into the mind of the listener with ease as Ray speaks about his endeavors with multiple women and trips to Dubai.

Although the sonics of Minaj is in contrast to Mollywood, the themes of both records are slightly similar. Mollywood is a more melodic record with a smooth tone and creative vocal inflections to drive home the importance of melody in this song. On Mollywood, Ray speaks from the perspective of the drug Molly as she claims her love for him and tells him she will be there for him in his worst place, Ray also speaks about being lost with no place to go when he finds to women that introduce him to Molly. An almost fairytale story over excellent production with a subtle sample and a sweet strings.

Listen to Minaj // Mollywood below