New Wave

How to Care for Expensive Fashion Investments

There’s a growing trend in the UK to shift towards buying fewer, higher-quality clothing items. 

This focus on investment pieces is fantastic for sustainability, as people look to combat the impacts of fast fashion, but it also comes with a new responsibility: ensuring these garments stay looking their best for years to come.

Whether you've had a wardrobe malfunction with a favourite dress or are the proud new owner of a statement suit, here's a comprehensive guide to caring for your expensive fashion investments.

Pay Attention to Labels

Think of the care label as your garment's secret code. It details the best washing methods (hand wash, dry clean only etc.), drying instructions (flat dry, tumble dry low etc.), and ironing temperatures. Ignoring these instructions can be disastrous – a silk dress on a hot wash cycle will quickly turn into a sad, shrunken mess.

Lost the label? Don't panic! You can simply research the fabric online. A quick search for "caring for silk" or similar will give you all the information you need.

Storage Solutions

Imagine your dream closet: spacious, well-lit, and most importantly, designed to maximise the lifespan of your garments. Here's how to create one.

  • Spacious Hangers: Thin wire or plastic hangers can cause your clothes to lose their shape. Invest in good quality wooden or padded hangers that match the weight and structure of your garments.

  • Fitted vs Freestanding: Don't underestimate the power of fitted wardrobes. They utilise every inch of space, reducing overcrowding and keeping your clothes wrinkle-free.

  • Breathable Storage: Ditch the plastic! Opt for breathable garment bags or storage boxes made from natural materials like cotton or muslin. These allow air circulation, preventing moisture build-up and musty odours.

  • Light and Location: Sunlight can cause fading, so store your clothes in a cool, dark area.

Finding a Reputable Tailor

A good tailor is worth their weight in gold. They can transform ill-fitting pieces and breathe new life into tired clothes. Seek recommendations from friends and colleagues or even ask local high-end boutiques for anyone they’ve worked with.

When taking your garment to a tailor, look for signs of experience. A clean and organised shop with a good selection of threads and fabrics is a positive indicator. And before entrusting them with your most precious pieces, start with a simple alteration on a less expensive item.

Keeping Your Clothes Clean

Keeping your items in tip-top condition is an important part of keeping their value, and making sure you always have your favourites ready to wear when you want them.

  • Treat stains swiftly: The longer a stain sits, the harder it is to remove. Treat spills and stains immediately with a gentle stain remover suitable for the fabric.

  • Handwashing heroics: For delicate fabrics or anything labelled "hand wash only," fill a sink with cool water and a gentle detergent designed for delicates. Soak gently, swish carefully, and avoid harsh scrubbing.

  • Machine magic: If the label allows machine washing, use a cold, gentle cycle with a mild detergent. Turn the garment inside out and use a mesh laundry bag for extra protection. Skip the high spin cycle – it can be rough on delicate fabrics.

  • Drying delights: Air drying is always the safest option. Lay garments flat on a clean drying rack or towel, away from direct sunlight.