New Wave

A Letter To My Friends

A Letter To My Friends


When you ask how I am and I say that I'm fine

I have a confession and it's that I have been lying

It's easier to lie than to explain my mood

Easier to turn to other vices like comfort food

I don't know how to explain the way I've been feeling

Everyday I wake up wishing I was still dreaming

Because the dream world is easier, no complications

Nothing can stop me I have no limitations

Back in the real world, depression is real

It makes me withdrawn and incapable of saying how I feel


It eats me up and life becomes a chore

And sometimes I just don't wanna talk about it anymore

I don't want to worry you with all of my issues

So I tend to just confide in my box of tissues

Your love is not disputed, I know that you care

You're one call away and will always be there

But sometimes it's difficult to be so transparent

Especially when my behaviour becomes so aberrant


So I'm sorry for lying but at least now you know

That I'm not being difficult it's just hard to show..

My feelings inside and how they're effecting me

I'm learning to deal with my problems effectively

Next time you ask how I am, I won't say I'm fine

Unless it's the truth, I'm done with lying

I'll tell you the truth if my tears are falling

And if a bad mood comes on without warning

I'll give a text if I need an ear

Or give you a call if I need you here.

#text #poetry #mentalhealth #sad #happy #tears #smiles